Try inflation or GDP. You can also browse by providers.

DBnomics is a free platform to aggregate publicly-available economic data provided by national and international statistical institutions, but also by researchers and private companies.

An open platform

One website aggregating global data and one API. Data series delivered in various formats (CSV, Excel XLSX, JSON). Direct access from your statistical software (R and Python ).

Automatic updates

Automatic updates

Data series are available upon release by the provider. Keep your economic dashboard and economic indicators up-to-date. Each revision is archived to build a real-time database.

Reproducible results

Reproducible results

Each data series has a unique ID. You can retrieve the exact dataset researchers used, and reproduce the same results using their code.

DBnomics providers

Find data among 1 provider, 1 dataset and 4,578 series (and many more to come).

DBnomics, the world's economic database

Lead institution


Supported by

Agence française de développement Banque de France France Stratégie PROGEDO